Jan 2, 2014

Astroflash Monthly Horoscope for April 2015


April moves into our focus on the first and most of us are not feeling too foolish. The harsh and hot Aries energy of March may have singed and over- amped our nervous systems as Mars and Uranus conjoined each other through the last half of the month.Following up with a Solar Eclipse in the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac has given us all inner and outer shocks which have also been mirrored by the weather,seismic and political events. The electro- magnetic field of the Earth is also being very shaken and stirred which can also carry the same results as these transits.

With all that chaos seemingly behind us,April begins with a Grand Trine in Earth signs consisting of the Moon in Virgo,Venus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. One might think that we could be in for a more peaceful and grounded time however with a Total Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon in Libra on the 4th we are likely to feel more intensity as these eclipses tend to turn up the emotional volume. We are going through a profound time of clearing and it is wise to take the opportunity to cleanse the shadowy parts of ourselves that lie hidden. It is simply not to our advantage to drag our baggage along with us repeating destructive patterns that may have not even been useful in our childhood! The Aries/Libra polarity requires that a balance between self and other be manifest with the Arian tendency towards self absorption toned down with Libra's need for equality and cooperation. On the other side of that coin, Libra's tendency to subordinate in favor of peace at any price or to people please requires blending as well. This is also a time when we feel fueled by our personal creativity and it is also a fine thing to find ways to share that light with others to create an even finer song or artistic expression.


With so many planets in Aries last month aggressive energy was really peaking on all levels and when such energies manifest globally it takes a while for countries and attitudes to reach a more peaceful place so we will still be working through some of that til the middle of the month as we will be experiencing one more explosive transit on the 5th as the Sun squares Pluto and then conjoins Uranus on the 6th and finally Mercury squares Pluto on the 8th.


It is little wonder that we have had such crazy manifestations socially and politically for the last month or so but the good news is that the energies are seeming to really polarize. On the one hand there appears to be much more violence and confrontation yet some of the these confrontations are leading to much better rulings against discrimination. Its like much of the shadowy nastiness that had been driven underground has flared up and has forced some issues such as the religious laws in Indiana and what almost happened in Arkansas.


The really good news is that we are shifting much more into a 5th Dimensional Reality, meaning that many more of us are anchoring our thought processes and energies in the world of the miraculous. I can't say often enough to be mindful of your thought processes as our ability to manifest our thoughts has reached an all time high. When you consider the empowerment that it places in our hands it is awe inspiring but with that power comes deep responsibility. I really love the true meaning of that word too as it means the ability to respond!


If you have chosen to be on a pathway towards liberation which hopefully most of you are, we are being held to a higher standard of behavior as we hit these pockets of time and opening energetic portals. Externally we are seeing all kinds of drama and truly life on this planet looks bleaker and bleaker if we view circumstances from a purely 3 Dimensional reality. On the positive side of things all is really not as it seems and the strong Neptunian energy brought forth by both Neptune and Chiron in the sign of Pisces can drape reality in fog, mystery and deep spirituality. The dark side of Neptune is also present now as we can feel as if we are drowning in deception,chemicals and all kinds of toxicity. Being a double Pisces myself, I have been experiencing all of the Neptunian energies.

To the uninitiated, transits from Neptune can feel like you are being dissolved wherever those wondrous waves break in your chart and can indicate a time of great confusion if you try to solve problems with totally material plane solutions however if you dive deep into the cosmic waters and get to the heart of the matter you may be capable of transmuting long stuck behaviors that have eluded you for many years.



Since 2012 we have been pummelled by the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,all with their pathways for liberation and transformation. Uranuis can be the quick change trickster of the bunch picking you up suddenly and plunking you down in a whole other reality,Neptune's shift is in some ways more gentle and rolling but can still have the power of a Tidal Wave to shift your consciousness in a deluge. Pluto likes to cut to the chase and dive down deep to the root of the matter, no band aid cures for little Pluto and does this planet have the potency and shelf life to make sure that the changes made are complete and total! What a sacred trio of changers fo bring about Revolution/Evolution. I bet most of you can look at your lives over the last 2 years and already see the profound changes that have radically altered life as you know it. This is exactly what is supposed to be happening for us.Very important to remember that no matter how difficult the mainstream world appears to be there is a vast amount of misinformation being given and a culture of fear and scarcity that is being manufactured for mass consumption to keep us in line.Yes we have real physical problems and severe challenges from climate change but solutions are within reach if the powers that shouldn't be would cash in their greed and dominance in exchange for a healing planet with good food, fresh air and water. How simple!

Many interesting transits are coming up as we move further into the month of April. Mars left warlike Aries on April 1 shifting into Taurus. This will be forcing that fiery planet to embody its energy in a more earthly manner. Also interesting that a whole series of earthquakes rocked the world on that very day as the fire of Mars met the earth of Taurus. Over all though I feel like Mars in Taurus will start to reduce some of the global violence and constant aggression that Mars in its own sign favored. Essentially we will all need to move more slowly and carefully as the pace of Taurus is built for comfort not for speed and favors quality over quantity. Taurus is also ruled by the planet Venus and we could sure use a whole lot more of Her Love energy flowing everywhere.


On April 9 Jupiter the planet of expansion will go direct so economics should improve quite a bit and projects that have been simmering on the back burner will be ready to come to a brisk boil if you give them some good energy.With the overall energetic theme showing us that we can more easily manifest that which we think about this forward moving Jupiter should enhance this process in a big way.

April 11 sensuous Venus in Taurus slides into mental chatty Venus in Gemini which should create more opportunities for easy communication in our relationships. Of course with airy Gemini you can experience many thoughts and differing points of view all in the same day so don't get too attached to any one answer.Venus will oppose Saturn on the 15th bringing with it issues of commitment and focus.

April 16 Pluto stations retrograde which should create a focus on the deep cleansing that we have undertaken for the last year or so which will remove all that has been lurking in the shadows needing healing.This should really clarify places where we can make more profound life changes.Your own integrity is extremely important and you will surely need to be good to your word so that you can honor your own power. Also key to become aware of how and when you give away your power. The key is not power over but shared power. Winning does not make you a winner but rather puts you on that hamster wheel of no win power over and under. Sadly too many relationships break under the strain of power struggles but if better understood and willingness on both sides deep healing and sharing is quite possible.

On April 17 Mars will square Jupiter making us feel like we have energy to burn. This can be fine if you remember not to do anything to excess because you will surely feel drawn towards over doing. If you need a lot of energy for some project that can be good as long as you remember that you are a human being with limited physical resources.
April 18 ushers in an Aries New Moon encouraging more new beginnings. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The concept of One, the beginning and the connection of being at One by replacing the solitary"me against the world paradigm" which is such a cornerstone and support for the Patriarchal mindset with a We Are All One
way of viewing the world.This is not antithetical to being independent or seeking diversity but rather a feeling of connection with all life which engenders a commitment to the planet and all of its beings. The last New Moon was in the last degree of Pisces and this one is on the last degree of Aries.
Very important to become your first authority, to listen to that inner voice that never misleads you.Hopefully this is a well established habit but if it is not this is a good time to start. If you need to test yourself start keeping note of your successes as you follow your own lead. This does not mean never get good advice from someone who has proven to be honorable but personal integrity and trust is very important now and primarily trusting you. If you trust you then you will know who else to trust.
Mars and Mercury in Taurus will conjoin on April 22 and 23 bringing out the passion and stubborn nature of both. This would be a really good time to avoid trying to have a successful communication and problem solving session as no one is likely to give an inch.
Not too much happening til April 30th which is May Eve and an important pagan holiday also referred to as Beltane.This is a Fire Festival and a time of Passion and Renewal.
My Internet Radio Show Womanspirit Rising will have our online Live Ritual for this Holyday

On Air Rituals and Celebrations w/Flash Silvermoonhttp://
Thursday April 30 10-11pm est   May Eve Beltane Fire Festival- Relight Your Creative Fire
Flash Silvermoon is hosting a new monthly Radio Show called Womanspirit Rising     Flash will be joined by  other Priestesses of different traditions and other sisters to offer LIVE  ON AIR RITUALS for Healing the PlanetFor our next program we will share MAY EVE BELTANE RE-LIGHT YOUR CREATIVE FIRE You can call in this phone number to listen LIVE  on our live show Call Enter Access code: 244850# Click here for the Live show559-726-1300 ARCHIVE - Listen anytime at least an hour after the show
MAY DAY MUSICAL CIRCLE FOR ELEVATION AT MOONHAVEN FRI NIGHT MAY 1 POTLUCK 6PM SISTER. MOONJAM AFTERWARDS RSVP please wear no perfume or other chemicals, pure essential oils fine. call or FB for directions 352 4752432


ARIES - What a wild ride it has been and yet I a still not feeling satisfied or grounded. My world spins a little slower now that Mars has entered Taurus but it hasn't exactly settled yet as good old Uranus is still having her way with me. I want to do everything and I want to do nothing.I want to be with everyone and I rather be with no one so confusing.I must find a way to work with the energy rather than letting it work me.Patience would be my friend if I could find some but I don't want to drift into procrastination. When do you go with the flow and when do you take out the oars to row? Sounds more like a Piscean dilemma!
TAURUS - Ooh I have been enjoying Venus in my sign and Mars coming in won't bother me much either.I could sure use some new energy and some new friends too if ya catch my drift. Maybe I will start playing an instrument? Feeling all kinds of creative flow now that has seemed to be sleeping for a really long time and I am wide awake now and don't want to miss the party ya know.I am feeling the stirrings of the summer heat so i am starting to want to be more sociable.
GEMINI - Sociable? Did I hear anyone say Sociable? That's me and I never met too many parties i didn't like especially if there are new people who are reasonably intelligent.Now I am not a snob or anything but I really prefer folks who can turn a phrase and have something to say. Actually I can talk enough for the both of us but if you can keep up with me i am in heaven. I don;t know if i would say that a good conversation is better than sex but depending on how i feel it could be quite close.When Venus comes a calling later in the month I will be dressed and ready to go can't wait!Maybe i don't need to choose anyway
CANCER - My calm pool is not so calm today.Nesting feels good and probably need to get into some water to feel my own element better. Pluto sends rip tides and a surprising undertow and I am wanting  to feel a cool spring or even a hot one where the water splashes gently over my feet. Peace and quiet soothes my soul and I am enjoying my work mostly but also needing a lot of time and energy for me now. Chapters of Alan Watts."The Wisdom of Insecurity" flash through my psyche and remind me of what I know to be true about the constants of change.
LEO - I must say with Jupiter going forward I really do feel like the king of my castle. Yeah I am all that and a bag of chips.I know, don't let the lion get over inflated.I mean I was born for the limelight even if I don't hang there all the time but I sure love it when I can get an audience. Drama Queen? Uh huh but not always but let's face it my life sure gets very dramatic and if you got it honey then flaunt it.I don't always feel like I want to flaunt it but I also don't hold back when I do and I like that about me.Yeah Jupiter is giving me a wide angle lens on me and I am quite fascinating dontcha think?
VIRGO - Same old story with me having a challenging time negotiating being a Virgo with several Neptune planets transitting. The Universe doesn't want to let me just play in my buttoned up way keeping everything regimented and yeah there are parts of me that like that ethereal stuff but I get uncomfortable when it tries to run my show. I am not so arrogant as to think that I am totally in control but I do like to feel like I have more than it seems that I do now. Lots to organize so I will do that but must not let my need for organization sabotage other needs for forward motion.
LIBRA -With this Full Moon in my sign perhaps we will start to see more equality out in the world for women, people of color, lesbians and gays etc you know the usual suspects. In my own life i would sure like to feel like things were more fair[my battle cry] however moving towards more balanced relationships is always my goal.My vision for the world does include much more equal treatment for all the worlds under dogs and animals for that matter.For my own Serenity I try not to focus on this all the time as it would certainly throw me off my center and that would really be a problem.
SCORPIO - How deep can we go my friends?I know that i am not the only one who is feeling stranger sensations than usual. My third eye is 20/20 these days and i don't always want to see what it is showing me but glad really that it is open for business.Definitely cleansing my world of all that ceases to fit me and that cleansing is not that mush fun at all. Even my memories and dreams are getting more attention than usual. i am being asked to be  more radically awake and I know that's good but it ain't always comfortable.
SAGITTARIUS - This flying horse is feeling way too caged by Saturn's 3 rings. MaybeIi am being protected from something worse happening but I am chafing at the bit and wanting much more motion and momentum.Focus comes easier but I don't like to feel stuck and shut down.My ruling planet is Jupiter for heaven's sake and now its going forward and what about me sitting back in retrograde land. OK Out of body travel it will be then. Up up and away!
CAPRICORN - Wish I'd "Left a good job in the city, workin for the man every night and day........wish I was rollin on the river..."Yeah like that song. There must be a place where I can feel that measure of freedom to just be. That would feel really wonderful and I am ready to make some choices that will allow me greater freedom of movement and progress towards my long term goals. Love! well that would be good too, guess I could try visualizing what I really want and see who turns up?
AQUARIUS - If the Age of Aquarius is dawning then it better hurry up and get here 'cause I am feeling a bit impatient for that harmony and understanding and sympathy and love abounding.. Aquarius where the hell are you? OK now I am better just had to let loose a little bit as I tend to keep it all inside. Feelings can seem so messy at times but I really do feel for the whole planet and i seriously want the world to be a better place for everyone and for me that isn't just something I wear on my Tshirt, it's written across my heart.
PISCES - Wow feeling so so vulnerable with Neptune and Chiron dancing around my soul. The psychic realms are opening wider and wider everyday and my ability to talk to those on the other side be they human or animal has become as simple as talking to someone in my room. I have a pretty good grip on reality but my days are starting to just run together like one continuous day. I remember Janis saying that about her life on the train she was touring from but I am staying in my own quiet nest with all its familiar pictures.The 5th Dimension calls me closer as I delve into its mysteries and life is quite magical.

Chinamoon and Bentley with Flash Silvermoon

Through My Monthly Astroflash, I have endeavored to offer more gender neutral astrology to speak to all sexual preferences and identities.

If you know your Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign and even your Moon sign.

Flash Silvermoon , North Florida’s Favorite Psychic, Astrologer and Animal Communicator has served the community for 45 + years with readings that are both accurate and empowering. http://www.flashsilvermoon.com call 352 4752432 for your appt. today She really tells it like it is!
Flash can easily read for you by phone wherever you are and you can pay on her website at the section called Moonmarket scroll to products and you are in!…This is a great time for a reading to help guide you through these stormy waters. For readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, Crystal Healngs, Past Life Regressions and Flower Essence Therapy feel free to call for an appt.or contact Flash through her website. Obviously some of these services can only be done in person.
Flash Silvermoon is a Nationally known Animal Communicator and does sessions and alternative healing for your animal companions as well. Her work can make all the difference for your relationship with your animal friends.


Some of the thrilled monkeys at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary

For both animals and humans, Flower Essences [Green Hope Farm Essences] are a good source for healing as are Gem Elixirs. Flash makes the Gem Elixirs and uses them. All of the most important Green Hope essences are available at Moonhaven. Flash channels Spirit to make Flash Silvermoon Gem Elixirs which are an incredible asset for creating a smoother shift during these challenging times. Some examples of the Gem Elixirs are The Shift, Aura Cleanse, Golden Armor, Grounding, Isis Unveiled, Lithium Quartz, White Buffalo Woman. This picture shows you how much the monkeys at Junglefriends Primate Sanctuary enjoy Flash's Lithium Quartz Gem Elixir.

Stones and crystals are also a great support at this time especially those of a more grounding nature like smokey quartz particularly the elestial variety, hematite, carnelian, celestite, lithium quartz, citrine, black tourmaline, raw ruby, agate and jasper to name a few. Flash has also acquired a rare group of Golden Lemurian Laser Crystals which she feels are absolutely the finest, most amazing crystals that she has ever held!  See this picture for pix of the Goldens and the awesome Gem Elixir Golden Armor

In preparation for these more challenging times, I have made Gem Elixirs called The Shift 2012 and 2013, Earth Changes, Aura Cleanse, Lithium Quartz, Profound Ground, Fiery Wall of Protection, Raise the Vibe aka Lemuria Rising, Deep Peace, The Bliss Wave, Aphrodite Open Heart and one of the newest and extremely potent offering of Divine Protection is Golden Armor and there are others. Several other new Elixirs are being quite successful like Prosperity, White Buffalo, Woman Isis Unveiled 
perfect for this season of mystery and visions and the newest FOR THE NEW YEAR IS THE SHIFT 2015 which will be available by Winter Solstice still have plenty of 2014 tooMany are having great results for people. The animals in the Sanctuaries that I tend are loving them especially. They have no scent so they can fly under the radar if need be. Get in touch with me on my website if you like or at my shop at Moonhaven in Melrose.

Moonhaven in Melrose only 20 minutes East of Gainesville call for simple directions 352 4752432. The Wise Woman’s Tarot special only $35 for book and deck! Spend $100 or more at her amazing shop full of the best stones, jewelry and more at the best prices and get a set of The Wise Woman’s Tarot. 1/2 price
You can’t even imagine how many wonderful hi powered and hard to find stones and crystals are here for you to experience and purchase. Flash who is a Master Stone Healer, can help you find just the right piece for your needs.Great Bargains too! 

ALSO FOR SALE- medicinal grade essential oils, Flash Silvermoon Gem Elixirs, Incense, CD’s and much more. Readings, Past Life Regressions and Stone Healing sessions available by appt. Great place for your shopping pleasure. Special shopping hours by Appointment. Support Your Local Priestess***at the oldest rock shop in North Central Florida. Call Flash Silvermoon for an appt for a reading or visit  352 4752432


Blessings, Flash Silvermoon

12th year Wise Woman’s Tarot New Layout /special order  http://flashsilvermoon.com/wise-womans-tarot/the-new-shamanic-wise-womans-spread/


Purchase one or more copies of The Wise Woman’s Tarot and Book. What a fantastic way to enter into this coming season of transformation with the assistance of the Ancient Goddesses and Gods of this wonderful Deck! To see much more about this ground breaking work and to meet some of the Goddesses and Ancient Mothers see the section on my Homepage and click.

Special for the WWTarot’s Twelfth Anniversary and HOLIDAY SALE  buy the book and deck at the regular price of $39.95 +Ship and handling  and get one of Flash Silvermoon’s rockin CD’s FREE! ORDER NOW TIL March. 20 TO GET YOUR FREE CD you can place your order here: Orders at this price for the US only.


See More  About All My radio Shows Here:http://flashsilvermoon.com/2013/moonhaven-mystery-school/flash-silvermoon-on-air-womanspirit-rising-and-more/


 What the Animals Tell Me – Every Wed 8:30-9PM EST
You can call in this phone number to listen LIVE  on our live show Call 559-726-1300   Enter Access code: 244850# OR LISTEN LIVE CLICK HERE

All programs are posted on  ARCHIVE

Nationally known Animal Communicator and Healer, Flash Silvermoon, hosts this weekly show for animal lovers offering many ways to become your pet’s best friend by understanding the subtle inner world of animals. Flash often shares the mike with fascinating guests who work on the front lines on behalf of the animals we love.

Flash will share one of her special animal stories HAPPY LIGHT BEING IN A FUR COAT from her forthcoming book Lifetime Companions Love Never Dies  Nationally known Animal Communicator Flash Silvermoon shares her 35+ years of experiences doing healing work with the animals to enlighten you about their psyches.and how to truly deepen your relationship with your animal companions and all animals  Call Flash Silvermoon for an appointment today. 352-475-2432 North Central Florida’s Favorite Pet Psychic, Psychic and Astrologer

one of the shows in the Archive that Flash will share is one of her special animal stories HAPPY,LIGHT BEING IN A FUR COAT. This story will be included in my book Lifetime Companions Love Never Dies which offers many tales about how she began working on her own animals and how that evolved to treating all kinds of other animals over the last 35 years.There are many new shows featured in the Archive now as well.
The animals are my teachers and I have been blessed by many excellent teachers in my home and in my practice.I am sure that you will find that this information awakens your own skills as an Animal Communicator too
.Reach Flash Silvermoon at   http://www.flashsilvermoon.com   Call Flash Silvermoon for an appointment today. 352-475-2432 North Central Florida’s Favorite Pet Psychic, Psychic and Astrologer

Flash always shares more about Holistic methods to heal your animal companions. Of course the first thing is Animal Communication which  is the best aid in knowing and understanding what your animal companions want and need as well as how their past and even past lives can influence their healing.
Flash also creates her own Gem Elixirs and uses Green Hope Farms Flower Essences as well as homeopathy, essential oils and healing touch to round out her practice. See her website for further info on ordering or having her work on your animals .


To find my Healing products -  FLASH SILVERMOON GEM ELIXIRS FOR YOU AND THE ANIMALS  find them here.

And for all the other  services that I offer for your Animal Companions please see http://flashsilvermoon.com/services/27-2/    YOU CAN MAKE AN APPT WITH FLASH SILVERMOON FOR YOUR BELOVED ANIMALS  AT MY SITE  http://flashsilvermoon.com *  OR CALL ME 352 4752432

 Please follow Flash on FB  Flash Silvermoon, and Like my new FB Pages Flash Silvermoon Healing the Animals and Their Humans for wonderful animal News and Heal the Planet all uplifting news
Flash will always talk and entertain questions about ANIMAL COMMUNICATION and VIBRATIONAL HEALING. She is the Author of her forthcoming book Lifetime Companions: Love Never Dies
Learn to truly communicate with them and even discover ways to reconnect with those who have passed away.
Flash has first hand knowledge of the wonder of being reunited with her beloved familiars in new bodies which can help heal the wounds when we lose our precious four legged furry or winged angels.

WOMANSPIRIT RISING On Air Rituals and Celebrations w/Flash Silvermoon

WOMANSPIRIT RISING On Air Rituals and Celebrations w/Flash Silvermoon

Click the new url above to listen and participate LIVE  on Feb 12 10-11 pm est

Archive for all shows



THURSDAY 10-11 FEBRUARY 12 FEAST OF APHRODITE RITUAL Come join in Reclaiming the Feast of Aphrodite/ Oshun no more bloody St Valentine!  Circle tonight with Flash Silvermoon and the Sisterhood have a red/pink or white candle and a perfect red apple depending on the kind of Love Mojo you may need. For Oshun  the Yoruba Orisha of Love you may want to have Orange or Gold candles some cinnamon and oranges. Let's really heat up the vibration on these cold days and welcome love and light back into our lives.
Listen anytime

WOMANSPIRIT RISING – Monthly Thurs. 10-11 pm est date will be shared each month. Flash Silvermoon is hosting a new monthly Radio Show called Womanspirit Rising     Flash will be joined by  other Priestesses of different traditions and other sisters to offer LIVE  ON AIR RITUALS for Healing the Planet  Flash Silvermoon is the Priestess of the Rainbow Goddess Tradition, Author of The Wise Woman’s Tarot, Psychic, Astrologer,Animal Communicator, Vibrational Healer, Musician  Master Stone Healer and founder of the Wise Woman’s Festivalhttp://www.flashsilvermoon.com
Joined by a circle of Priestesses we will use our Spirituality, Creativity, Deep Heartedness and Desire for Peace, Healing and Justice for the Planet to RAISE THE VIBE FOR THE TRIBE
Our Circle will rotate others in and out as needed to offer up a Cauldron full of tasty Gumbo provided by Spirited Wise Women. We offer you a template, if you will, for your own circle magic should you be a novice and a space of safe Spiritual Sisterhood no matter what your skill level.

Please join us each month and share with your sisters  and spiritual friends so that we can make larger and larger circles to encircle the Planet for support and healing

Thursday Jan.15  10-11 pm est We will offer a roundtable sharing about Psychic Self Defense You can call in this phone number to listen LIVE  on our live show Call 559-726-1300   Enter Access code: 244850# Click here for the Live show 


Thursday Dec 18. 10-11pm est We will share a Winter Solstice Ritual
Flash Silvermoon IS hosting a new monthly Radio Show called Womanspirit Rising     Flash will be joined by  other Priestesses of different traditions and other sisters to offer LIVE  ON AIR RITUALS FOR HEALING THE PLANET.For our next program we will be  a WINTER SOLSTICE RITUAL


Aurora Whitebird ,Earthkeeper, Pipe Carrier and Priestess of Isis, One Who Gathers Tribes also known as Renee ,Cyndie Lepori -Dolphin Emissary Shamanic Healer, and Karen Hill - Earthkeeper and member of Rainbow Goddess Tradition.

Thursday Nov 20 10-11 PM EST    Flash Silvermoon will be hosting a new monthly Radio Show called Womanspirit Rising     Flash will be joined by  other Priestesses of different traditions and other sisters to offer LIVE  ON AIR RITUALS FOR HEALING THE PLANET.

For this program we will be offering a Gratitude Ritual and because we are close to what the American Mainstream celebrates as Thanksgiving. We will offer a deeper understanding about the truth behind this time of celebration
For this program we will be offering a GRATITUDE RITUAL co created by Flash Silvermoon and the group by passing the rattle which is a Native American Tradition.
Flash Silvermoon
Author of The Wise Woman’s Tarot, Psychic, Astrologer,Animal Communicator, Vibrational Healer, Musician  Master Stone Healer and founder of the Wise Woman’s Festival http://www.flashsilvermoon.com  Joined by a circle of Priestesses we will use our Spirituality, Creativity, Deep Heartedness and Desire for Peace, Healing and Justice for the Planet to RAISE THE VIBE FOR THE TRIBE

Aurora Whitebird ,Earthkeeper, Pipe Carrier and Priestess of Isis, One Who Gathers Tribes also known as Renee ,Cyndie Lepori -Dolphin Emissary Shamanic Healer, and Karen Hill - Earthkeeper and member of Rainbow Goddess Tradition

Please join us each month and share with your sisters  and spiritual friends so that we can make larger and larger circles to encircle the Planet for support and healing
Very Very exciting to share Healing Energy Globally at this challenging time!

Our Circle will rotate others in and out as needed to offer up a Cauldron full of tasty Gumbo provided by Spirited Wise Women. We offer you a template, if you will, for your own circle magic should you be a novice and a space of safe Spiritual Sisterhood no matter what your skill level. All are welcome to listen and enjoy the fine energy that we will raise. So get your smudge bowls cooking, your candles lit and the libations of your choice chaliced and bring your open hearts and enthusiasm to enrich the magical cauldron we will make.Join  us -REWEAVE THE  LUMINOUS CRYSTALLINE WEB THAT SURROUNDS THE PLANET INCLUDING ALL THE INTERLOCKING SACRED SITES METHODICALLY ALIGNED  FOR THE PLANETARY HEALING AND ELEVATION NEEDED AT THIS SPECIAL TIME

Join us, there is power in numbers of like minded others. If you want to participate and not just listen, You will need a burning bowl or smudge bowl with sage/ cedar or your fave blend. a lighter,paper and pen and be sure to crack your window

Keep watching here for next months program Thursday Dec 18. We will share a Winter Solstice Ritual

Blessings Flash Silvermoon Host, Circle Weaver and Priestess of the Rainbow Goddess Tradition

WOMANSPIRIT RISING On Air Rituals and Celebrations w/Flash Silvermoon http://www.pwrnetworkllc.org/#!streams/cjg9.

Thursday OCTOBER 30 10-11 PM EST    Flash Silvermoon will be hosting a new monthly Radio Show called Womanspirit Rising     Flash will be joined by  other Priestesses of different traditions and other sisters to offer LIVE  ON AIR RITUALS FOR HEALING THE PLANET.For our first program we will be offering a HALLOWEEN/ SAMHAIN RITUAL
You can call in this phone number to listen LIVE  on our live show Call 559-726-1300   Enter Access code: 244850# Click here for the Live show  http://www.pwrnetworkllc.org/#!streams/cjg9
ARCHIVE http://www.pwrnetworkllc.org/#!october-shows/c1le9


Author of The Wise Woman’s Tarot, Psychic, Astrologer,Animal Communicator, Vibrational Healer, Musician  Master Stone Healer and founder of the Wise Woman’s Festival http://www.flashsilvermoon.com  

Joined by a circle of Priestesses we will use our Spirituality, Creativity, Deep Heartedness and Desire for Peace, Healing and Justice for the Planet to RAISE THE VIBE FOR THE TRIBE

JOINING THE CIRCLE THIS MONTH -  Cyndie Lepori -Dolphin Emissary Shamanic Healer, Karen Hill – Earthkeeper and member of Rainbow Goddess Tradition, Laura Djakpa-Ancestral Mystic and Medium

Please join us each month and share with your sisters  and spiritual friends so that we can make larger and larger circles to encircle the Planet for support and healing
Very Very exciting to share Healing Energy Globally at this challenging time!

Our Circle will rotate others in and out as needed to offer up a Cauldron full of tasty Gumbo provided by Spirited Wise Women. We offer you a template, if you will, for your own circle magic should you be a novice and a space of safe Spiritual Sisterhood no matter what your skill level. All are welcome to listen and enjoy the fine energy that we will raise. So get your smudge bowls cooking, your candles lit and the libations of your choice chaliced and bring your open hearts and enthusiasm to enrich the magical cauldron we will make.Join  us -


Join us, there is power in numbers of like minded others. If you want to participate and not just listen, You will need a burning bowl or smudge bowl with sage/ cedar or your fave blend. a lighter,paper and pen and be sure to crack your window

Keep watching here for next months program Thursday Nov. 20. 10- 11 pm We will  do a program with a Native American Focus and pass the rattle sharing Gratitude instead of Thanksgiving! You can use the same links seen above for the Live show and a new link for the Archive will be posted then.

Blessings Flash Silvermoon Host, Circle Weaver and Priestess of the Rainbow Goddess Tradition

Flash Silvermoon calling up the SpiritsFlash Silvermoon calling up the Spirits

 MAJOR CRYSTAL AND STONE SALE AT MOONHAVEN continues by appointment only.


THE BEST STONES AT THE BEST PRICES  Be sure you catch the savings on the most unique and special gifts- Spend $100 or more and receive a free set of The Wise Woman’s Tarot on special $35 for the weekend. Free CD with $50 purchase. Food Grade OIls, Incense. Flash Silvermoon Gem Elixirs.Green Hope Farm Flower Essences and so much more. Gift Certificates for Tarot, Astrology and Animal Communication Readings as well as Stone Healings and Past Life Regression  call 352 4752432 for more info 

Easy 20 minute ride east of Gainesville

Moonhaven Mystery School New Class  Are you looking for a class with an intimate group of women where you can grow  spiritually and empower yourselves to take that next step in your growth? Now is the time and Moonhaven is the place!

One Day Workshop ANIMAL COMMUNICATION those interested please call and let's set up a date call to reserve your space and discuss date  Sat.or Sun. noon – 4:00pm at Moonhaven in Melrose please share with your animal loving friends!only $62 for the whole day. Bring only pictures please

Animal Communication & Vibrational Healing Workshop

Learn to communicate on a deep and healing level with your animal friends. Get helpful tips on care, feeding and many useful alternative remedies. Be a better friend to your pets!

Topics include:

  • How do we communicate?

  • An exercise to tune in using a photo of your pet
  • How animals function as our first line of defense
  • Surviving the loss of a pet
  • Reincarnation and your critters
  • Exercise using photo of pets that have passed on
  • How to facilitate the return of the spirit of a favorite pet from the past
  • Care/feeding and alternative tips using homeopathy, flower essences, gem elixirs, herbs
  • Question and answer session
  • How to create a healing grid for you and your furry friends



 Earth Magic and Psychic Development

This will be an Intensive to go more deeply into some of the subjects listed below. We will be doing some of our work outdoors so we will feel all the high energies that are so abundant here. See more about the subjects below and you can also help choose subject preferences

Call Flash Silvermoon  (352) 475-2432 To Enroll Now and for more details and easy directions.  7603 ne 221 st Melrose Fl 32666 20 min east of Gville  you can email

flashsilvermoon@gmail.com   Fee will be a mere $62 ideally paid in full in advance  A few trades are possible and we can discuss before hand.           Please reserve your space now

We are all experiencing a tremendous down-loading of new energy and vibrations and Moonhaven is just the place to help you adjust and connect with sisters who are of like mind and will share and enhance your opening.

Flash Silvermoon is welcoming female students who would be interested in learning about Earth Magic and Psychic Development from a Goddess / Woman-Centered Perspective.

Watch for starting dates here on my BLOG and on Facebook and Twitter
This will be an intimate and cohesive group of dedicated women who will learn in a very hands-on way :
read more…

* Earth-Keeping
* Magic and Ritual of various traditions
* Making and creating Sacred Grids
* Stone and Crystal Healing and Gem Elixirs
* Psychic Development and Divination through the Tarot, , , Dowsing Rods, the Pendulum and more
* Past Life Regression                                                 
* Animal Communication.
* Astrology
* Flower Essence Therapy and Aromatherapy
* Creating Altars and Feng Shui
* Shamanic Musical Journeying and much much more!

This work will be presented in a “Living Style” ie you will be a part of it and learn how to make the magic part of your daily routine, like a second skin, a place of serenity and a way of life.

Together we will choose from the above teachings to fill 4 weeks OR THE 1 DAY INTENSIVE. We can reconfirm to do another 4 weeks if we choose to cover more or deepen the studies that we do choose.

Groups will meet once a week unless we decide on rare occasion to do a weekend intensive  and won’t meet again for another week.. This will be a most exciting group and as many of you know, the Sacred Alchemy will create even more than we can imagine…so dream big!!

As many of our Elders pass on it is the job of those who are left to pass on these Ancient and Modern Traditions so that they will not be lost through the sands of time.

If you feel your heart and spirit being drawn to this work please get in touch with Flash.

Groups will meet on 4 consecutive Monday nights from 7-9:30 PM at her Sacred Sanctuary of Moonhaven in Melrose, Florida (near Gainesville) We are also having periodic 1 Day Weekend Intensives.

For those who want to seriously pursue your Spiritual Education,  attend 3- 4 week series of classes and on the 13th week we will have a Ceremony of Graduation Honoring you into the Apprentice Level. You can also just commit month to month.For those who have been students and want to complete class to the Apprentice Level this is possible too.

please no commercial /chemical bug sprays,perfumes, scented candles  etc I am, very allergic

Contact Flash for more info. 


If you loved Janis Joplin and want to read  a fascinating E-book that is full of magical experiences from the late sixties til now check out this E-book   Time to honor your Ancestor!

Janis Joplin and Me 40 Years of Music and Magic By Flash Silvermoon

A New E book by Flash Silvermoon

Musician and Shaman, Flash Silvermoon shares the never before told story of her deep connection with Janis Joplin in life and even more importantly, in death! After 40 years and many many fascinating phenomenal experiences, Flash knows that it is time to tell the real story about Janis’ life and death!

If you have been wanting to hear more about Janis, the groundbreaking female artist who shook the male dominated rock world to its core, make sure that you
Order your Copy Now right here, Only $9.95

“No foul play they said, and my mind is now less numbed by pain and I wonder how she could have a broken nose, split lip, no drugs or paraphernalia and not have met with foul play?This was all that I knew about that fateful day until Janis herself started communicating with me and changed everything.”

“Janis lifted the Veil for me and then pushed me through not only opening me to the blues but the entire spirit world!” Flash Silvermoon








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