Jun 28, 2012

Astroflash Monthly Horoscope for February 2013

   by Flash Silvermoon 

Hard to believe that we are almost through the winter here in mostly sunny Florida, however there appears to be nothing more unpredictable than the weather. We can look at our Astrological charts and horoscopes but the weather can still elude us. Good thing there is no Global Warming. I don't know about  you but I am feeling so much more flow, more sensitivity and that is both good and bad. My intuition is so on in ways that I haven't experienced til now and I am loving that.
I have a gorgeous sanctuary here at Moonhaven and  most people who come for psychic readings, astrological charts as well as animal communication and healing have walked the land find it most magical as well as healing. I too share that experience but it's as though the Devic realm has turned the spiritual volume all the way up. I am hearing and feeling the plants, earth and all the animals so much more clearly and deeply. I feel such exuberance and  joy as I walk around the trees and flowers.

A week ago, my angel trumpets which now tower a good 13 feet over a pathway suggested that I just stand there and take in their  pure energy. I was surprised by their suggestion as well as the presence of their sweet voices and heeded them. Wave after wave of exotic aroma and gentle vibrations emanated forth wrapping me in a fragrant healing mist which was balm for my frayed nerves and soul. I had not recognized how battered I had been feeling by the harshness of the material world. Sometimes I do not immediately recognize how much damage I can endure til I am just wasted. Fortunately during this process I have learned to take breaks and tend to me as well.
At the time, I was working very hard using my Animal Communication skills and holistic healing for some precious miniature horses who had been raped by a monster. I had no time to process my own grief at this heinous act and I was in Amazon Healer mode for weeks. I have to say though that I have rarely felt so on point, doing the work that I am here to do. The animals' gratitude and healing filled me with so much love and happiness yet walking them through and beyond this pain did surely take it out of me at times. The flowers knew that I needed them just as the horses needed me. I treated the horses with flower essences and gem elixirs that I had made and of course through love and communication. My partner Pandora even played her Native American flute to soothe their wounded souls and we both endeavored to set the vibrations of the entire farm to a more peaceful state. At the time of this writing, the monster is still at large but has not  tortured any more of the horses.The horses and other animals are back in balance and are now showing no signs of such brutal suffering. Words do not adequately express the joy and deep satisfaction that this work brought to me. Perhaps the pictures that I offer will tell the story better.

We must all find that balance for ourselves and take the time to relax and find the healing that abounds in nature.
The down side of my new elevation is extreme emotional and physical sensitivity as well as a need for more rest and serenity. Because of all the crap that has rained down on us from chem trails, to mercury in our food and water, and a load of chemicals too diverse and plentiful to supposedly make our homes and businesses clean and sweet smelling, many of us, myself included, have become extremely sensitive to such things. It is very hard to go into a public bathroom or even have a client wreaking of some popular commercial perfume. Those of us with increasing sensitivities are the canaries in the coal mine but make no mistake these toxic aromas are hurting you too, you just don't know it yet! We are all being given a stronger energetic download as the planet's vibratory rate increases and those of us who work with energy of course are more affected.


Perhaps some of this heightened sensitivity is due to the planetary pileup in Pisces including Mars, Neptune, Chiron and asteroid Hygeia. We have been having an increasing problem with toxins, particularly in our waters since Neptune moved into Pisces in 2010 with Chiron the Planet/ Asteroid of the wounded healer coming along for the ride. Could we healers and Lightworkers be feeling ever more wounded as we find ourselves more intimately connected to the world at large? Some of you may be feeling a greater need to retreat more often, to have some relief from feeling others so much. This is not a bad thing at all and we all need to find better and better ways to balance our lives so that we can function most effectively all the way around. By understanding what your "normal" is, you will have a greater ability to distinguish between what is your stuff and what belongs to your partner, child, parent or even the planet.


Pisces and its ruling planet Neptune blur the edges, make everything more mystical and spiritual, offer ecstasy to the mundane, romanticize, and even deceive as they dissolve the boundaries of what we typically think of as our reality. It is this dissolution which many find scary and free fall can be ecstasy for some and hell for others depending on how strong your control needs are and how bored you have become by the status quo. Neptunian energy is not likely to blast you out of your routine like outer planets Uranus or Pluto but it can be experienced as an erosive quality that slowly separates you from life as you know it. If going with the flow has eluded you as a way of life, you will feel so much freer to explore a more patient way of being.


Some of you are probably nodding your heads in agreement about now. Because my entire occupation as a Psychic, Astrologer, Animal Communicator/ Healer and even Musician is dependent on my ability to feel and connect. This shift has been wonderful  and exciting  for the expansion of my gifts as well as being more noticeable. Wherever you are on this cosmic spiral that is unfolding so beautifully, your gifts are expanding as well. You might even like to keep a journal to chart your progress!



By February 1, Venus has entered the airy sign of Aquarius while Mars, the planet of war and physicality, sinks into the Piscean waters. When personal planets shift like that it is  good to see how these transits affect your personal horoscope, your planets and how they light up new houses. Also a great time to get a reading from your favorite astrologer. I think that we will all experience  greater ease and much less frustration than we have in the last several months because the planets over all are more harmonious with each other.


Mars in Pisces is likely to cause a more peaceful wave of energy softening our militaristic march to global supremacy and that is all for the good. Perhaps  more military higher ups will be caught in lies and misconduct and leaders might just start to discover ways to fill our coffers with a more peace-time economy! I suppose women who really want to fight on the front line should have the right but how about not fighting period.
Since the end of January we are once again graced by Jupiter's beneficial forward motion. Jupiter who can be seen as the planetary holder of expansion and prosperity  finally moved full throttle forward on January 31 It will even be sextile controversial Uranus. Personally, your money and resources should improve and the economy should do the same. If the politicians are still holding the people hostage tied to some frail limb about to go over a cliff with no windfall in sight, this just might be the time for some radical liberation. We shall see and whatever the manifestation, it should be from out of left field and basically quite positive.



Hold your wallets up to the sky on the Full Moon and continue to do so through Feb 2 and you can't go wrong. Of course not the whole time lol.
Habondia Goddess of Plenty kindly fill up our coffers as well as those where the need is great. Yemonja, Orisha of the Marketplace, please create commerce and prosperity for us all. White Buffalo Woman please bring your Sacred Pipe to the fire and bring us all Peace! Blessed Be, Aho, Ase'.
I am telling you, we are all getting  such a download of mystical energy and our intuition is on high alert. Venus rules how we do our relationships so for it to move into the unconventional sign of Aquarius suggests that all kinds of unique and non traditional bonds will start to come out of the closet and even be accepted. Hopefully some of the states will take the opportunity to vote on Gay Marriage or better still, that it will be put to a national  tally. I for one do not want to see gay people have to  get each state to vote for our right to love and marry. Less specifically, Aquarians can often feel like the Aliens of the zodiac so if you are an Aquarius or have the planet Uranus strongly aspected in your chart, you might just find it easier to be and express your own unique selves at this time. Some relationships that form now are liable to come together magnetically and suddenly and come apart the same way but will never be boring.


With the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th this Uranian energy will be manifesting even stronger with rebellious forces seeking ways to go up against authoritative regimes and ideology. Power to the People is not just some old slogan from the 60's held together by those with enough brain cells left to remember! The Occupy movement has been a little quieter than first experienced or perhaps more integrated into other groups and the Kasbah has surely been rocking. The nodes of the moon are also forming a T- square to the New Moon from the 2nd and 8th houses. This suggests  a crisis of conscience for all of us. Where will you stand? What do you value and hold dear and what are you willing to do  to make your values congruous with the life that you lead?
We all can make a difference in our world and it becomes our job to discover the best place to be most effective.


Venus will Square Saturn the next day on the 10th which can both stabilize existing relationships and pose questions that can challenge and improve them as well. On the 18th Saturn will begin its yearly retrograde sojourn til July 7 so it will be a good time to clean up all regressive patterns and places where you may be stuck.


So how about Valentine's Day?
I like to celebrate the coming of the Sacred Love Goddesses starting on Feb 2 with Imbolc, Candlemas, Brigid’s Day and so on. One day is simply not long enough to honor the Goddess of Love. This segment of time is more aptly called The Feast of Aphrodite, a time of love and lust, revelry and good food and chocolate wrapped around succulent strawberries and other goodies. Light up your red, white and pink candles and dive into your sacred bath adorning yourself with flowers and pure exotic oils that tempt and seduce a potential lover or just enhance your personal magnetism. Uh huh, that's the way it's done sisters.
We will have a ceremony at Moonhaven Feb 2 3pm for circle and 5pm Potluck and music jam.  Bring a fresh candle and candle holder and some food and/or drink for the Potluck at 5pm. Wherever you are, this is the time to crank up YOUR LOVE MOJO. If you gotta get your groove thing back or just get a good jumpstart for the year, this is the time and for you sisters in my hood, this is the place for sure! RSVP Please. Early help for Circle and Fire always appreciated 352 4752432.
See more  under  Moonhaven events!
Mainstream culture likes to deify St. Valentine and give this bloodthirsty slayer of women the one day of the year that Love is supposed to Rule. How totally bizarre and how the hell did he manage to grab that gig? I could research but let’s just chalk that up to the  bad-ass patriarchy - btw, he is not even a real Saint. For the rest of this article which appears on my website see: http://flashsilvermoon.com/2012/blog/sacred-rites/aphrodite-and-oshunimbolc-and-beyond/
OK, on Feb 23 until March 17 Mercury the Messenger will be retrograde. I have spoken of this cycle that happens 3x a year for approximately 3 weeks many times before and this time it will be like most planets this month, in the watery sign of Pisces. I no longer dread this retrograde and you needn't either but you do want to prepare for its downside. Communication is the hardest part of this transit and even more so in the case of Pisces which tends to lubricate everything with a bit of mystery if not potential deceit and lack of clarity. Knowing that breakdowns of communication, cars, electronics, etc. are more likely at this time, we  have the choice to be proactive and tend to the business of fixing and improving those aspects of our lives that are in disrepair so as not to be blindsided by a broken washer or toilet [items that use water]. Whenever a personal planet goes retrograde that means among other things that the planetary energy is more internal, and slower. This is a good time to finish old projects, be more reflective [listen for messages] and prepare the things that you want to move ahead when the retro is over. This is a balanced way to view this cycle and ideally the way to have the least fall out. Big decisions and purchases should wait til you have all the information when Mercury goes direct again unless the opportunity needn't be permanent, then go for it if you like.
Oh yes, February 25 features a Full Moon in Virgo which opposes all the lovely Piscean planets. Given that, the Mars/ Mercury near conjunction is most likely to light up some kind of global conflagration due either to out and out misrepresentation or at best misunderstandings. We all know at this point that the level of truth that comes across the airwaves is minimal and the likelihood of closets flying open revealing pants down and inappropriate relationships galore is more the order of the day than Justice.
With the Sun in Pisces flanked on either side by Neptune and Chiron, water becomes the issue as well as pollutants. Chiron creates the situation that makes it necessary to heal the ills of the past of which there are multitudes including the BP and Corexit debacle which is still spewing toxic material. Perhaps the court case will end with more of the wronged people of the Gulf with money in their pocket. Sadly there is no amount of money that will replace communities, animals and economies that depended on that fragile Eco system. While we are talking about water and toxicity, let's add radioactivity and we have Fukishima. All the honest whistle blowers from the area tell us that we are being lied to and the danger and disaster is not  finished, soo... With such a Stellium [many planets] in Pisces we will have ample opportunity to address this  travesty.
Good news, February 25 will see Venus moving into its exalted sign of Pisces. I have always marveled at the description of that placement. Venus in Pisces is considered the highest aspect of love yet in its manifestation on the material plane, I see people with that placement having a very tough time. Venus in Pisces folk are capable of a higher kind of love which is far easier to receive than give. Unconditional love is a beautiful thing to behold and very rare. One thing, if you are the one with Venus in Pisces, you must first and always love yourself unconditionally too. Enjoy.
On Feb 26 Mars will conjoin Mercury and could  bring a more combative energy to the fore. Typically both of these energies would prefer to Make Love not War especially in Pisces but if there is a powder keg globally or personally waiting to pop, this just might be the day - especially given murky Mercury in retro's penchant for Mis information.
February 28th, the last day of the month, features the mystical conjunction of the Sun and Neptune. This pairing does not bring out the greatest clarity but it sure can feel good. You may not get a lot done but your dream world should be offering up some delightful dreams and fantasies. Music will smooth out all the rough edges that you may have accumulated this month so allow its mystery to weave a lavender cloak around you and sleep with the Angels.
                                                         NOW LET'S GET REALLY PERSONAL
ARIES - Nice to know that Uranus will be in my sign for a really long time providing me with adventure and loads of excitement and a totally original way to live my life. Sometimes we need a little shake up in our lives and I have been shook, salted, rocked, rolled and stirred for a couple of years and it is certainly not boring I hate boring and fortunately life has been providing me with ample ways to keep me on track. I am however wide open for increased prosperity. C'mon Jupiter in Gemini, bring it!
TAURUS - Aries, now you are speaking my language but my needs are more constant than exciting. Don't get me wrong as the right kind of excitement is just my cup of tea but I don't want to have my world in a perpetual spin cycle like you. Yeah honey I am built for comfort not for speed and what could be better on a cold wintery night than to snuggle down on some warm satin sheets with the partner of your choice sipping some cafe' con leche and dipping plump strawberries into dark chocolate.which you will share seductively. That my dears is just the appetizer. Happy Feast of Aphrodite.
GEMINI - Oy! Not Mercury Retrograde again. OK so I have most of the month to get ready, not so bad but I just don't know what to do with myself when it all just slows down. I have two speeds, fast and warp and I am comfortable there. I rather talk than think and don't think that hasn't gotten me in trouble from time to time. With Jupiter cutting me loose at the end of January. and getting all kinds of expansive, I am thinking of taking up dancing. This will help me use the strong energy of Jupiter. Maybe I need to get a nice Sag and travel to Brazil and learn to Samba? Possibilities are limitless and so am I!
CANCER -  Feeling the sweet flow of life more and more especially with so many planets in Pisces.  Not so much charge from explosive Uranus and Pluto which is fine by me. I know they are still around and can rock my world at any time but the gentle ripple effect that keeps me floating on a more serene body of water soothes my soul allowing me to heal from the tumult of my life ride at Wild Waters.This is a time when I like to hunker down and get really comfortable. Perhaps it's time to finish writing one of my many books that is almost complete. Mercury retro will be great for that.
LEO - Ooh just had the best Full Moon ever, of course it was in Leo and  that energy just  gets me wild and wanting to preen. I wonder if Aphrodite likes lions? Could be a good time to strut my stuff since we are celebrating Love this month. As far as I am concerned, I could celebrate the Goddess of Love every month and quite happily.  I might just create something very intriguing on the New Moon. It's time for me to buckle down and manifest something that I can be proud of and have my drama on stage where others can see it and benefit too.
VIRGO -  I am feeling totally outnumbered here with all these Pisces planets. They make the world ever so disorganized and seemingly random. I feel my reality being pushed and pulled into an alternate version. I suppose it is cosmic and all but why can't we just settle down and follow a schedule? The energy feels refreshing but it is so so unsettling to my very being. Be it ever so boring there is no place like home. There is something to be said about order. I allowed myself to be twisted and turned by these waves and I do have my moments of lucidity just not enough of them.
LIBRA - I do prefer more order in my life as well but I am not going to whine about it. I have also felt  refreshed by the shift that is happening. I have never felt such a sense of being guided by Spirit to a goal that I have not specifically chosen for myself yet there is something that feels so right. I sense a path unfolding before me without my doing and I actually like it. Feels good being led by some sense of Divine purpose. The amazing thing is that I feel no need to make any decisions about anything and the gift for me is Serenity...what an amazing feeling.
SCORPIO - I am starting to get used to this Saturn feeling. So heavy it is. I do feel unusually grounded but still not too comforting because I do not feel  the sense of freedom that I prefer. Yet I am aware of a deep sense of guidance that is irresistible. Choice does not seem to be an option yet I am feeling a stronger sense of inner peace, like I have finally found my way. I can feel Aphrodite and all her Muses dancing around my periphery which feels sweet yet there is no need to join in with their revelry, just a knowing that all these emotions live within me.
SAGITTARIUS - The pull of far away places and exotic sensual foods and aromas are pulling my consciousness like a Siren song or a Genie in a bottle. There is something quite compelling yet positive leading me onward.. Am I the snake charmer or am I the charmed? I do not know but the path extends out from my hands and my very being. My spirit wants to play so badly and my inclination is to follow that  thread. Don't know if it will lead me down the rabbit hole but right now I simply do not care. Adventure feels like a Divine option.
CAPRICORN - My road does not feel the least bit glamorous yet it does feel more on point. I think that I am finally getting used to the intensity of Pluto's kind of inner leadership. The compulsion that I have often felt is gone which is really pleasant. I do have a deep sense of rightness and purpose that is both enjoyable yet foreign. I do not think that I ever courted Peace as a goal and now that it is here, it brings a lightness to my heart. Who knew! I feel like I am comfortably in my own skin yet exploring another country simultaneously.
AQUARIUS - I am used to feeling like an alien in most circles yet Aphrodite has me in her thrall all month and it is so so lovely. Feelings can really be nice! I know that sounds really weird and weird is a sandbox that I am so used to playing in but this is a very new feeling for me. I actually feel like I belong. If you were inside my head, you would know how amazing this is so I will just pause and let this warm feeling sweep through me. No need to resist or run to a more distant place for safety. I am filled with questions about this new sensation but I will resist  those questions for now and simply Enjoy.
PISCES - Oh rock me on the waters of bliss. So many planets that feel like ME, just amazing to feel so calm yet so excited at the same time. I am so used to being a deep feeler and now it feels like I am surrounded by an energy that just  says Yes. Elevation , yes that's what it is. My psyche has gotten a warm and wonderful uplift and it is absolutely delicious. This ocean of emotion feels like a rare sense of serenity and lightness of being. I am at once a child and an elder, and I can enjoy either. Venus will visit  me on the last few days of the month and that will be the icing on the cake and I do love cake.
Through My Monthly Astroflash, I have endeavored to offer more gender neutral astrology to speak to all sexual preferences and identities.
If you know your Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign.
Feast of Aphrodite Special bring yourself and your partner for a 1 hr reading get $10 off http://www.flashsilvermoon.com
This special is only available at Moonhaven.
Flash Silvermoon , North Florida's Favorite Psychic, Astrologer and Animal Communicator has served the community for 40 + years with readings that are both accurate and empowering. http://www.flashsilvermoon.com call 352 4752432 for your appt today She really tells it like it is!     Flash can easily read for you by phone wherever you are and you can pay on her website at the section called Moonmarket scroll to products and you are in!...This is a great time for a reading to help guide you through these stormy waters.For deeper questions and readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, feel free to call  for an apt.or contact me through my website .I can  help your animal companions as well
For both animals and humans, Flower Essences [Greenhope Farm Essences] are a good source for healing as are Gem Elixirs and I use and make them. Stones and crystals are also a great support at this time particularly those of a more grounding nature like smokey quartz particularly the elestial variety, hematite, carnelian, celestite, lithium quartz, citrine, black tourmaline, raw ruby, agate and jasper to name a few. I also have acquired a rare group of Golden Lemurian Laser Crystals which are absolutely the finest, most amazing crystals that I HAVE EVER HELD!  See this picture for pix of the Goldens and the awesome Gem Elixir Golden Armor
In preparation for these more challenging times, I have made Gem Elixirs called The Shift 2012, Earth Changes, Aura Cleanse, Lithium Quartz, Profound Ground, Fiery Wall of Protection, Raise the Vibe aka Lemuria Rising, Deep Peace, The Bliss Wave, and the newest and extremely potent offering of Divine Protection is Golden Armor and there are others. Many are having great results and the animals in the Sanctuaries that I tend to are loving them. They have no scent so they can fly under the radar if need be. Get in touch with me on my website if you like or at my shop here at Moonhaven in Melrose.
Moonhaven in Melrose only 20 minutes East of Gainesville call for simple directions 352 4752432. The Wise Woman’s Tarot special only $35 for book and deck! Spend $100 or more at her amazing shop full of the best stones, jewelry and more at the best prices and get a set of The Wise Woman’s Tarot. 1/2 price
You can’t even imagine how many wonderful hi powered and hard to find stones and crystals are here for you to experience and purchase. Flash who is a Master Stone Healer, can help you find just the right piece for your needs.Great Bargains too!
ALSO FOR SALE- medicinal grade essential oils, Flash Silvermoon Gem Elixirs, Incense, CD’s and much more. Readings, Past Life Regressions and Stone Healing sessions available by appt. Great place for your shopping pleasure. Special shopping hours by Appointment. Support Your Local Priestess***at the oldest rock shop in North Central Florida. Call Flash Silvermoon for an appt for a reading or visit  352 4752432
Blessings Flash Silvermoon
Saturday Feb 2 Imbolc Celebration Aphrodite and Oshun / Imbolc and More 3PM Circle and Potluck 5 PM Here at Moonhaven we will Celebrate Imbolc/Candlemas with a Women's Circle on Sat February 2 at 3pm followed by Potluck and a Music Jam so come prepared to raise up the Fire and Love in your Hearts. Please bring a candle and holder for yourself, no perfumes or anything scented that is not pure thanks, food and or drink and some musical things if you like. We will be outside and inside if the weather allows Please rsvp. feel free to read this post . Bring a white candle to clear  the way, pink for affection and slow growing love, and red if you want to really kick in the passion
Moonhaven Mystery School New Class
Are you looking for a class with an intimate group of  women where you can grow  spiritually and empower yourselves to take that next step in your growth, Now is the time and Moonhaven is the place!

Mon February 4 - 25 7-9:30 PM tentative call for definite start and to add your preference

Call Flash Silvermoon  (352) 475-2432 To Enroll Now and for more details and easy directions.  7603 ne 221 st Melrose Fl 32666 20 min east of Gville
New Class at  Moonhaven Mystery School of Earth Magic for Women with Flash Silvermoon  flashsilvermoon@gmail.com
Melrose, Florida ( about 20-30 min. from Gainesville)
Fee will be a mere $75 ideally paid in full in advance or by the first evening. A few trades are possible and we can discuss before hand.

Please reserve your space now

We are all experiencing a tremendous down-loading of new energy and vibrations and Moonhaven is just the place to help you adjust and connect with sisters who are of like mind and will share and enhance your opening.
Flash Silvermoon is welcoming female students who would be interested in learning about Earth Magic and Psychic Development from a Goddess / Woman-Centered Perspective.
Groups will meet on 4 consecutive Monday nights from 7-9:30 PM at her Sacred Sanctuary of Moonhaven in Melrose, Florida (near Gainesville)
For those who want to seriously pursue your Spiritual Education,  attend 3- 4 week series of classes and on the 13th week we will have a Ceremony of Graduation Honoring you into the Apprentice Level. You can also just commit month to month.For those who have been students and want to complete class to the Apprentice Level this is possible too.
Watch for starting dates here on my BLOG and on Facebook and Twitter

This will be an intimate and cohesive group of dedicated women who will learn in a very hands-on way about:
read more…
* Earth-Keeping
* Magic and Ritual of various traditions
* Making and creating Sacred Grids
* Stone and Crystal Healing and Gem Elixirs
* Psychic Development and Divination through the Tarot, , , Dowsing Rods, the Pendulum and more
* Past Life Regression                                                 
* Animal Communication.
* Astrology
* Flower Essence Therapy and Aromatherapy
* Creating Altars and Feng Shui
* Shamanic Musical Journeying and much much more!
This work will be presented in a “Living Style” ie you will be a part of it and learn how to make the magic part of your daily routine, like a second skin, a place of serenity  and a way of life.
Together we will choose from the above teachings to fill 4 weeks and then we can reconfirm to do another 4 weeks if we choose to cover more or deepen the studies that we do choose.
Groups will meet once a week unless we decide on rare occasion to do a weekend intensive and then we won’t meet again for another week.. This will be a most exciting group and as many of you know, the Sacred Alchemy will create even more than we can imagine…so dream big!!
As many of our Elders pass on it is the job of those who are left to pass on these Ancient and Modern Traditions so that they will not be lost through the sands of time.
If you feel your heart and spirit being drawn to this work please get in touch with Flash.
Contact Flash for more info. 

February 15 - 7pm V Day Benefit Concert to End Violence Against Women  This is part of One Million Rising Events
Local Musicians  including Flash Silvermoon and The Blues Sisters,Other Voices, Liquid Jazz, Monica Cooper, & Sister Song - proceeds going to to Peaceful Paths $10 donation
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville (UUFG) 4225 NW 34th Street, Gainesville, Florida 32605
WOMANSPIRIT RISING - Flash Silvermoon Priestess of the Rainbow Goddess Path and author of The Wise Woman's Tarot is the Circle Weaver for a monthly Radio Show on a Tuesday night called Womanspirit Rising. Flash will be joined by at least 4 other Priestesses of different traditions to offer Live on Air Rituals to Heal the Planet and Ourselves  Tuesday 7-8:30 PM EST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/here-be-monsters/2013/02/20/woman-spirit-rising-w-flash-silvermoon
This month we will convene on Tues  Feb 19  IN HONOR OF APHRODITE we will do an evening of Love Rituals - First we will do a ritual  to draw Aphrodite /Oshun to our door and follow up with personal suggestions from each of our kozmic bag of tricks to sharpen our personal magnetism for love, beauty, creativity!
January 22  7-8:30 PM EST and our subject will be Heroines,Healers and Keepers of the Flame, This program will be done in a Round Table format, a Cyber Talking Stick amongst us along with calling in the directions to create Sacred Space. More info for link etc on my website soon http://flashsilvermoon.com/2012/moonhaven-mystery-school/flash-silvermoon-on-air-womanspirit-rising-and-more/
.Last Month Dec 18 7-8pm est our Ceremony is for Transformation. We offer up a Cauldron full of tasty Gumbo provided by Spirited Wise Women, a template for your own circle magic and a space of safe Spiritual Sisterhood  All are welcome.http://www.blogtalkradio.com/here-be-monsters/2012/12/19/woman-spirit-rising-w-flash-silvermoon
SEE MORE ABOUT MY RADIO SHOWS HERE  http://flashsilvermoon.com/2012/moonhaven-mystery-school/flash-silvermoon-on-air-womanspirit-rising-and-more/
If you loved Janis Joplin and want to read  a fascinating E-book that is full of magical experiences from the late sixties til now check out this E-book

Janis Joplin and Me 40 Years of Music and Magic By Flash Silvermoon
A New E book by Flash Silvermoon
Musician and Shaman, Flash Silvermoon shares the never before told story of her deep connection with Janis Joplin in life and even more importantly, in death! After 40 years and many many fascinating phenomenal experiences, Flash knows that it is time to tell the real story about Janis' life and death!
If you have been wanting to hear more about Janis, the groundbreaking female artist who shook the male dominated rock world to its core, make sure that you
Order your Copy Now right here, Only $9.95
which takes you to my Moonmarket or go to the Moonmarket on my new website!
"Janis lifted the Veil for me and then pushed me through not only opening me to the blues but the entire spirit world!"
see my site for more info
  1. As always, Wisdom from you, and more and more, a mix of humor
    and incredible honesty. Best to you, and Blessed Be...Suzy

  2. You are probably right about him and I do not want to give that any more space here. I have been able to put the horror aside so as to focus on what matters the healing of the horses. Thanks Flash